About Me

From August 23 to September 1, I will be travelling to Israel as part of an 8 person delegation representing Australia at the Asian Science Camp. During the six day camp, around 200 talented young people will join Nobel Laureates and world class researchers to share their science experience through plenary sessions, round table discussions and student master classes. There will also be social and cultural events to enjoy.

I currently study Mechanical Engineering and Business at University and want to share my love of maths and science with all of Australia. This blog is about connecting Australia with the camp, by providing a medium through which students can comment and ask questions about the camp and the speakers. With any luck, I'll be able to ask your questions and get some answers.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Honey I'm home! Photos!

Well I've made it. It was a full on week of fun, Facebook and actual activities (funnily enough it wasn't just a holiday.) I want to take this moment to thank the organisers of the Asian Science Camp for doing such a great job, the Australian Science Innovations for sending us and obviously all of my supporters for helping me make the trip. I hope you have all enjoyed sharing in my experience.

That being said, this is only just the beginning. Next year, the Asian Science Camp will be held in Tokyo. If you are in year 11 or year 12 then this is opportunity for you to take yourself to the world stage! But even if you aren't, keep doing science, because the things you can do and the places you can go are incredible. In the future, I will hopefully be organising talks and connected classroom chats to share with you things I have done.

Now some photos!

Me in the Dead Sea on the Saturday

On Thursday Megan was a map of Israel

The outside of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre

One of the Shrines inside the Church
Me at the Shrine

Inside the Church they had mosaics

Me at the Western Wall

One of the Old City's gates

Jaffa Watch Tower

What's this? Max Brenner?

American White Hot Chocolate with Marshmellows

Milk and White Chocolate Fondue with Apple, Nectarine
Pear, Rock melon, Marshmellows, Sugar sticks and Banana Bread

The View of part of the Jewish Quarter
This post is going to be long it seems, as I also need to provide a quick recap of our final days travelling.

Day 8: Final Countdown!

It was a late night for me on Thursday due to the fact that I had to be packed and checked out of my room before we left for the final day of activities. Our first lecture was on how bioscience is paving the way for the future with research into stem cells, cancer treatment and other ways that the human body can adapt and change, as well as how we will better control our environment into the future.

Our second lecture was on Particle Physics, which discussed how we developed this new understanding of the universe in response to inadequacies in classical physics.This is really exciting because it was later built upon by the lecture on Quantum Computation. What was also really exciting about these lectures was that we were finally getting into some physics after basically a week of biology. Hallelujah!  

I missed part of the Particle Physics lecture and the start of the next lecture of the Formation and Evolution of Planetary Systems due to another interview with Israeli media (I am just THAT popular) but when I arrive at the discussion group I was thrilled to see how astronomers are using light patterns and energy emissions to determine the size and orbit of accretion discs around stars and predicting the formation of planets and systems in these discs. 

Finally, we went to a lecture on the future of computers - quantum computation. What is so exciting about this is the power and speed of such computers (in theory of course) which will make them more intelligent and able to respond to the environment around them. This means all our current encryption systems will be basically useless and true Artificial Intelligence will not be far around the corner. The future of computing looks bright indeed.

That night we presented our posters, with Matt's team winning the popular vote section and Nicky's team coming second in the overall judging. Whilst we didn't place, our team was very happy with our poster and many people were enthralled by what we presented, which was a huge plus. 

Unfortunately, we had to fly out before the disco, which was a real shame. Still, I had an excellent time and made some fantastic friends who I look forward to working with in the future throughout our awesome careers in science!

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